WIFI Hotspot


Advertise Your Business with your own Wi-Fi Start Page.
When people connect to your Wi-Fi SSID signal, they are redirected automatically to your Hotspot Start Page (called Splash Page).


Your branding
we can customise the login page with your company branding and logo for a more professional look and feel.


Data Capture - you can customize what fields you require from your customers. You can request email, phone number, other personal data, or you can even create up to 5 custom question which your customers need to fill out (like feedback).


SMS Text - Authorize your Customers via their Mobile Phone when they want to access
free internet.


Generate powerfull reports - we can create reports to you, like who access free wifi : name, phone no, email address, access time, etc. Output report in pdf, excel (xlsx). csv.

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Choose your wifi hotspot location
you can choose for internet hotspot location, we provide : hospital, commuterline/train, bus (damri or transjakarta busway).


Adjust time limit usage
we can setup time limit for user to use free internet.